Invest in a Leading Manufacturer of Dehydrated Food Products

The Indian company manufactures dehydrated food products and is looking for cash to scale its infrastructure and to fund working capital.

Industry: Fast-Moving Consumer Goods   Years in Business: 19 years
Country: India   State: Maharashtra
Revenue (USD): 0.42 million   Project Status: Open
Business Type: Manufacturing   Transaction: Fundraising

Company Overview

A leading post-harvest processing and value addition company that specialises in manufacturing and processing a wide range of dehydrated products, including spices, herbs, tea, coffee, oleoresins, flowers, fruits, vegetables, and more. Since its establishment, it has been committed to providing natural food ingredients manufactured through low-temperature dehydration technology.

Product or Technology Overview

The company offers several product categories, these include:


What the Company is looking for?

Target Country:



The company is seeking an investment worth USD 2 million, with two-thirds of it being allocated towards infrastructure and the rest to working capital.



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